1. Soccer season has ended... I have to wait until spring to play again.
2. Dedicating a notebook to one thing (e.g. science...) and using it for everything else (e.g. journal entry, to-do list...)
3. Hearing the siblings watch Percy Jackson, but choosing not to watch it with them because of school. (Which is a first...)
4. Hand cramps from writing too much.
5. Finding a nail polish color that I've been looking for for months (sister was hiding it away for some reason...) and painting my nails with that color, even though I was already wearing a different color.
6. Sick days that aren't actually sick days (well I am sick) because I still have to do school since I am, you know, homeschooled.
7. The sound of rain.
8. A new blog (in case you couldn't tell by the large number of posts I've written so far...)
9. Wishing we hadn't run out of kleenex's becuase my nose is still stuffed up.
10. Reading about Job and his not-so-comforting friends.
11. Wishing I lived on the beach somewhere warm, balmy, and perfect for taking pictures.
12. Hoping my parents will let me buy a new camera... perhaps as a birthday present? (...pretty please, mom?)
13. Thankful for having an extra computer since my laptop broke, but sadbecuase now I have no access to photoshop :[ (Until we install it on said extra computer--see above.)
14. Not wanting to stop on a weird in-the-middle number so I'm going to keep going until I hit 15. (Or 20 if I keep thinking of this to add.) [I know, very OCD of me, but my sister does it too: "No, the volume can't be on 27, change it so it's on 28! It can only be on an even number."]
15. Hoping we'll have something good for dinner, because I'm hungry.
A typical day in the life....
And some pictures:

Sand in a tall, skinny, jar.
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